​"I believe that a minimalist lifestyle is at the core of sustainability, and needs to become the new norm in society."

I am Soumya Kalluri. I am a Mechanical Engineer with a Masters in Commercial Vehicle Technology from Germany. The seed of the journey got planted when I was working with John Deere in Germany on the Life Cycle Assessment (Environmental Impact) of their harvesters/sprayers and realized that “nothing (waste) really goes away”.

I started deeply researching various environmental impacts of my lifestyle and started being mindful of my consumption. The stats on Fast Fashion shook me to the core and that is when I decided to stop being part of the problem and make upcycling a norm and not an exception.


The Origin of Dwij

Dwij” ( द्वि= Twice, ज = Born), a Mumbai-based social enterprise, means ‘second life’ in Sanskrit and has the vision to deliver an ethically made low waste upcycled product to every household.  

​We are a proud “upcycled in India” brand that believes in a people-centered and earth-centered approach. We rescue post-consumer jeans that would otherwise end up in a landfill or get incinerated, to make utility accessories such as bags, totes, handmade toys, handmade jewellery, home decor, etc.

In addition to this, we upcycle pre-consumer/post-industrial denim and recycled PET felt fabric too.

We choose each element carefully and maintain high hygiene standards to produce fresh-looking and long-lasting products.

We would like to be known for our quality and longevity of the products

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Super Maker Soumya Kalluri

Urban Warriors Soumya Kalluri